Mike Hudzinshi, entrepreneur, “Whenever I listen to Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker, my life gets better.”
with Dr. Terry Cole-WhittakerStarting now, imagine, create, produce and offer your talents, abilities, products and services that are beneficial to all living entities, including animals and Mother Earth. Develop your home grown business that will work for you to live where and as you choose. Your security is found in knowing how to take care of yourself and your body, live as you choose, have empowering and mutually supportive relationships, and being an expert in the art and science of manifestation.
The purpose of Grand Master Mentoring is for you to realize and manifest your chosen life's purpose and Divine potential! The method is to give you the proven steps, instructions, strategies, and support system for you to discover your life's work, purpose and mission, and to make your earth, people, and animal friendly products and services well-known throughout the world, generating for you rivers of revenue, resources, and means to do your life's work, and live where and as you choose. Trial and error is the worst way to learn because there are unlimited errors; however, when you have the map of what to do and what to avoid, puts you on the fast track to attain what you intend, NOW.
Because of Dr. Terry's experience in starting and building and a local congregation of 50 into thousands of members, and a six year international, Emmy winning, weekly television program and ministry reaching millions, bestselling author of 7 published books, world class-inspirational and motivational speaker, listed as one of 10 Most Powerful Women in the World by Laurel King, Mrs California and 3rd runner up in Mrs America 1968, Dr. Terry, after years of in depth research and application of the great teachings of Wisdom of the Ages, health, business/career, marketing, spiritual psychology, metaphysics, and spiritual and practical prosperity, Dr. Terry is now offering workshops and courses at Mt. Shasta, YouTube videos, phone counseling, spiritual therapy, empowerment, books, recordings, and also, certification for one's healing, speaking, and teaching life's work.
You can read Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker'sfavoriteBio on our website https://terrycolewhittaker.com to know her extensive qualifications as your Personal Mentor, Teacher, Counselor, Spiritual Healing, Empowerment, and Enrichment Facilitator/Practitioner.
What is mentoring and how different from counseling, coaching, and teaching? Mentoring includes all the above and more, because the mentor is a master and excels in his or her life's purpose and //work. For example, a master boat builder would be the best person to teach you boat building, including all the mistakes to avoid as well as basics and secrets of the trade. The best way to learn about how you can attain what you desire is to mentor with someone that has mastered what you intend to manifest for yourself and your life's work. How does Mentoring work?
You tell me what you want to attain, and if you are not certain, then the process is assisting you to get in touch with your life's work, purpose and mission. Clarity is Power! Together, we put together your personal support program that works for you to attain your goals and objectives coordinated with your schedule and your nature.
You receive recordings, videos, workbook, regular phone sessions with Dr. Terry, strategies, resources, and the steps to attain what you need and desire to fulfill your purpose, mission, and heart's desires in people, career, lifestyle, wellness/vitality, and most important self-confidence, soul pleasure, and peace of mind.
Great persons throughout history have always sought the support, knowledge and strategies of wise and brilliant teachers, guides and counselors. Tuition $3500. for the one year course with plan for continuing support and up to the minute prospering knowledge and empowering work with Dr. Terry. You receive a gift of a private 4-day Shasta Workshop $1200. with Dr. Terry, in order to set your objectives and put in place the activities, habits, and strategies in alignment with your intended results. Email Dr. Terry [email protected] for a phone appointment to ask your questions, consider the benefits and results you want to achieve, and how the Grand Master Mentoring works for you given your needs, time, resources, and desired results.
Dr. Terry's students have become best-selling authors, spiritual leaders, global entrepreneurs, healers, entertainers, celebrities, artists, sports greats, and leaders and experts in their field of endeavors.